How NOT to diet…

By matter of fate, a large slab of chocolate managed to find it’s way in front of me this past week. To make it worse, the chocolate is nothing less than half a kilo of the finest from Hotel Chocolat. How could I resist? No, really, how can I resist?? Continue reading

WHB #96: Blackcurrant Fool

Blackcurrants. They look delicious and I always have memories of Ribena when I see them (like in the picture, growing on one of 3 bushes in my garden), but I’m always disappointed by how they taste when raw. Solution: simmer with a little sugar to bring out the flavour, whip up with some cream and eat. Yum! Continue reading

Fantastic Four

Here’s a quickie while I get back into the swing of things; a meme called “Fantastic Four” (for which I was tagged a while back by Lil). It kind of speaks for itself – I give four answers to four questions and then pass it on to four more people. So here goes… Continue reading