Poll: Seasonal Food

A recent comment on my last article (Seasonal Food for March) got me thinking. The comment basically questions whether seasonal food and in particular, local food is still relevant in this day in age.

I�ve just put up a link on purple sprouting broccoli as the seasonal product of the week, but to be honest I�ve been struggling a bit with the whole seasonal food bit. For a start what�s seasonal here isn�t seasonal elsewhere.The point is that the world is now very small. Years ago it made so much sense to promote local, seasonal food because you couldn�t get non-seasonal food without importing it dried, salted, etc. Nowadays we can get what�s seasonal somewhere in the world delivered pretty much while it�s still fresh.

So as a world citizen and someone dedicated to fusion, but at the same time someone who wants to support local producers and oppose globalisation by the big multinationals, I�m really caught between two stools. I support diversity of culture and hence the importance of regional produce and food, but I�m not a narrow minded nationalist because this is both racist and contrary to where I think the world should go. It�s not an easy issue, is it?

Just to point out – no hard feelings against the author of the comment (Trig – with his own great foodblog), who is obviously taking a balanced view himself. But it makes a great starting point for a debate in my opinion. So…

Seasonal / Local Food: Worth it, or a waste of money?

Note:� This poll is now closed…Sorry!